Our Core Beliefs

Discover what some of our core beliefs are, along with our mission, vision, doctrinal and value statements

Mission Statement

Redeeming Hearts Ministries will endeavor to provide a platform to teach Christians Biblical truths based on the Exchanged Life principles. These principles are based on Galatians 2:20, “I have been crucified with Christ; and it is no longer I who live, but Christ lives in me; and the life which I now live in the flesh I live by faith in the Son of God, who loved me, and delivered Himself up for me.” This ministry will seek to teach these truths through providing individual counseling and life coaching sessions, written materials such as book and a weblog, both short and full length teaching videos, and conference speakers.


Vision Statement

It is Redeeming Hearts Ministries vision to promote the principles of the Redeeming Hearts truths to Christians by offering individual counseling and life coaching, providing written materials that explain these truths, producing short and full-length teaching videos, and a variety of conference speaking topics. It is our goal to eventually employ several qualified teachers and counselors of these truths in an effort to encourage the evangelical Christian community.

Doctrinal Statement

We believe and earnestly contend for:
  • The divine inspiration and consequent authority of the whole canonical Scriptures.
  • The trinity of the Godhead – God the Father, Jesus the Son, and the Holy Spirit.
  • The fall of man, his consequent moral depravity and his need for regeneration.
  • The Deity and virgin birth of Jesus Christ.
  • The bodily resurrection, ascension of Jesus Christ.
  • That a person is justified and saved by faith in Jesus Christ alone.
  • The Person and work of the Holy Spirit in the lives of believers.
  • The personal, visible, premillennial return of Jesus Christ.
  • The atonement through the substitutionary death and shed blood of Jesus Christ.

Values Statement

At Redeeming Hearts Ministries, we are devoted to:
  • Making Disciples of Christ Jesus commanded us to make disciples. Therefore, we endeavor to equip people for ministry by helping them understand their new identity in Christ and how to let Jesus do all things through them for His glory (Philippians 4:13).Knowing and Loving Christ Jesus We believe with the Apostle Paul that it is worth counting all things loss in view of the surpassing value of knowing Christ Jesus (Philippians 3:8). He is the source of life, of all that is good and He is the most worthy pursuit in life.
  • Biblical Authority We believe that the Bible is God’s revelation to mankind and that it is absolute truth, the standard for faith and practice, the grid through which all experience is sifted (2 Timothy 3:16-17). It is the Living Word of God, unchanging in an ever changing world. It is the foundation of all of our teaching, counseling and mentoring principles.
  • Prayer It is the believer’s privilege to call upon the living God and have Him hear and answer! We value this privilege and seek to emphasis the importance of prayer, supplication and intercession. It is an act of love, worship, faith and submission to an all powerful God– the One who changes circumstances and hearts (Hebrews 4:16).
  • A Growing, Spirit-filled Walk is Normal Christian Living we believe that the old nature died with Christ, we are freed from the slavery of sin, and when God says we are to walk according to the Spirit, in His power, we can! We have the opportunity to make godly choices, as we daily crucify the flesh and walk by the Spirit. There is no secret to walking by the Spirit, it is normal Christian living (Galatians 5:16).
  • A Life of Victory we believe that Jesus is seated at the right hand of the Father with the enemy as a footstool for His feet (Luke 22:69). The victory over Satan and evil has been achieved by Jesus on the cross and is evidenced by His resurrection. Because believers are spiritually seated with Christ in heaven, we also are victorious over the world, the flesh and the devil (Ephesians 2:6). We endeavor to teach believers how to live in this victory and how to do battle through prayer to pull down strongholds that have been raised up against the knowledge of God (2 Corinthians 10:3-5).