Support us through Prayer

We really appreciate all your continued prayers for Redeeming Hearts Ministries

Below we have listed some of the prayer requests and praises we have for Redeeming Hearts Ministries. We really appreciate all your continued support through your prayers! We will keep the list updated each quarter with the latest prayer requests and praises.  Please let us know if there is any way we can pray for you. Call us: 484-447-1258 or Email us: [email protected]

June 2024



  • For the invitation to the Sweatshirt of Hope event in September.
  • For new connections at the Bucks County Coalition and Bucks County Jail.
  • For all our faithful donors.
  • For God’s provisions which have kept us going this past quarter.


  • For Journey Tools reaching Uganda and Zambia.
  • For the opportunity to build relationships with local churches.
  • For our clients’ growth in Christ and their emotional healing.
  • For God’s provisions which have kept us going this past quarter.

Prayer Requests


  • For new opportunities to disciple/mentor returning citizens.
  • For God to bring volunteers and the resources needed to grow the ministry.
  • For God to bring new board members and wisdom in selecting new board members.
  • For God to bring us funding to support our initiatives.


  • For wisdom in cutting costs at our Journey Tools offices.
  • For a steady stream of new clients both online and in person.
  • For wisdom in counseling and in getting JT into local churches
  • For God to bring us funding to support the Journey Tools program.