Support us through Prayer

We really appreciate all your continued prayers for Exchanged Life Ministries

Below we have listed some of the prayer requests and praises we have for Exchanged Life Ministries. We really appreciate all your continued support through your prayers! We will keep the list updated each quarter with the latest prayer requests and praises.

December 2024


  1. For lives that are being healed through Journey Tools.
  2. For Pastor Ken being able to preach and teach again.
  3. For my clients’ growth in Christ and their emotional/spiritual healing.
  4. For great connections being made at local churches in Greenwood.
  5. For all the new Journey Tools groups that just wrapped up and the new ones under way.
  6. For how comfortable I feel living down here and knowing I am where God wants me.
  7. For the new group facilitators in training and their excitement to lead others in their Journey.


Prayer Requests

  1. For Ken’s recovery and needed weight gain.
  2. For growing relationships with local churches and their pastors.
  3. For new clients and speaking engagements.
  4. For wisdom in each counseling session and Journey Tools group.
  5. For a number of new Journey Tools groups to start in January.
  6. For a safe trip home to PA and wisdom in car decisions.
  7. For wisdom in how to effectively partner with like-minded churches and ministries in equipping people with the Journey Tools.