Did you know that it’s God’s will for us to always experience His joy?

David tells us in Psalm 16:11 that:

“in His presence is the Fullness of joy and at His right hand are pleasures forever.”

Jesus tells us in John 15:11 that He wants us to experience His joy to its fullest.

“These things I have spoken to you so that My joy may be in you, and that your joy may be made full.”

How does this happen?  How can we experience His joy when life is so crazy?

Experiencing His joy is the direct result of abiding in Jesus.  Great…how do we do that?

Abiding in Him is all about looking to Jesus for life instead of looking to the people and things around us.

It is a choice we make to rest in Him, and by faith, receive His joy.

What is Joy?

It is an inner state of well-being that my circumstances cannot touch.

I can experience Joy in the midst of Sorrow.

It is the awareness of His Presence within us that we experience as we walk in alignment with Him.

Remember, Joy is a fruit of the Spirit.

An apple doesn’t DO anything to become an apple.

It simply stays connected to the tree and receives the life of the tree.

Over time, it reflects the essence of the tree.

Likewise, as we abide in Jesus…by faith, receive His life…we will reflect His essence and His joy will grow in our lives.

If you are not experiencing His Joy, ask Him where the hindrance or blockage is that is inhibiting the free flow of His Spirit in your life.

Bitterness, anxiety, unbelief, complaints, unforgiveness, lusts of the flesh and a whole host of fleshly distractions can keep us from fully receiving the flow of His life in and through us.

Whatever blockage He shows you: confess, renounce and repent; and then you will feel His Joy release in and through you again.

So, connect to Jesus through prayer, worship and reading His Word, and you will experience more and more of His joy in your life.

Robyn Henning