So, what resolutions did you make for 2016?

Lose weight, break a bad habit, cross stuff off your bucket list?

The key to making lasting changes is repentance.

Say what?

Repentance is all about thinking differently.

For example, let’s say I want to break the habit of stress eating.

The first thing I need to do is recognize the lie that leads to stress eating, “Eating (carbs) will make me feel better.”

Sugar from carbs creates a chemical reaction in the brain that mimics joy.

So, it’s easy for us to get hooked on sugar and carbs to deal with stress.

To overcome this I need to renounce the lie that carbs will make me feel better, announce that the truth is that Jesus is the only source of joy and not carbs, and that carbs will make me feel worse in the end.

Then, I simply ask Jesus to reclaim the ground that I gave to the enemy through believing the lie about carbs.

Now, as I go through my day, I need to purpose to give thanks in all situations.

Doing this will help me stay relationally connected in my brain to the Lord.

Then, when stressors arise, I can dialogue with Jesus in my mind, as He guides me through the stress.

Jesus turns the stress into a blessing as I get to experience Him and receive the joy of His Presence in the midst of both calm and stormy seas.

Beloved, whatever changes you want to make, start with changing how you think.

So, ask the Holy Spirit to show you what lies you are believing that are trapping you in bad habits, and then, ask Him to speak His truth to those lies.

From there, start each day by greeting Him, giving thanks, and asking Him to do all things through you for His glory.

Purpose to stay relationally connected to the mind of Jesus in you through praise, and you will grow in your awareness of His Presence, as He supplies you with His power to walk in step with Him.

Bad habits will be put off as you put on the mind of Christ and walk in the power of the Holy Spirit!


Robyn Henning

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  • Rhea Benner says:

    Robin: how do I print out “Setting Spiritual Goals” for 2016 some good stuff for me to remember but it is to much to copy by hand. Rhea