Do you ever find yourself thinking months, weeks or maybe even years ahead?

How does it make you feel?

Are you anxious or fearful because of scenarios that flow through your mind?

Remember Satan loves it when you dwell on ‘What if’s.’

He will build one stronghold on top of another if we don’t take the ‘What if’s‘ captive.

So, how do we look ahead without it creating negative emotions.

What’s helped me is developing the habit of surrendering my ‘tomorrows’ to the care of the Lord Jesus.

I don’t know what they hold, but He does, and that is enough.

With that in mind, I purpose to live in the present aware of His Presence.

I seek to do the next thing He puts in front of me in His strength, for His glory.

This mindset really resonates from the principles given to us in Proverbs 3:5,6:

“Trust in the Lord with all of your heart; lean not on your own understanding; in all your ways acknowledge Him, and He will make your paths straight.”

To fully surrender one we need to fully trust the One to whom we are surrendering.

As we grow in experiencing Jesus’ love even in the hard times, it is much easier to live life in the surrender mode.

Instead of trying to figure out our future, we can acknowledge His ability to lead us knowing that He always keeps His promise to make our paths straight.

Sometimes He makes that path clear through circumstances; sometimes He speaks through His Spirit into our spirit; and sometimes He uses others to show us His path.

Either way, He will show us….when we need to know.

So, if we are facing an uncertain future, we need to shift our focus to being present through the next five minutes, and then the next five minutes, and the next 5 minutes and so on.

When we purpose to praise Him, it makes the next five minutes even sweeter because we are setting our minds on His character which only serves to bolster our faith in Him.

Jesus encouraged us to not worry about tomorrow, because each day has enough trouble of its own.

He said that on the heels of reminding us of how much Father loves and values us,  and He already knows what we need before we ask.

So, beloved, I encourage us all to practice His Presence; surrender to His love; and follow the straight path that He lays out before us each day one moment at a time.


Robyn Henning

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