Last week, we looked at John 15 and what it means to abide in Christ.

This week, I want us to think about how to be fruitful.

First, what is the fruit that John is talking about?

I believe it can be summed up in Christ-likeness, and that is best summed up by Paul in Galatians 5:22 when he lists the fruit of the Spirit as:

love, joy, peace, patience, kindness, goodness, gentleness and self-control. 

All of these qualities describe Jesus.

So, what is the key to exhibiting these in our relationships?

You guessed it.

Abiding in Christ.

Many folks have tried to be more patient.

Folks, that’s like an apple trying to be red.

Have you ever seen that?  Nope.

What does an apple do to become red?

It simply abides in the tree, receives the life of the tree, and grows into the likeness of the tree, and then its seeds produce more trees.

So, what does this mean for us?

First, stop trying harder to be loving, joyful, patient and start simply resting and receiving His love, joy…

Then His life will flow more freely through you and others will see Christ in you and some may even come to faith in Him.

So, stop trying in your own efforts and start humbly abiding in Him and you will be amazed at the fruit He will produce through you.


Robyn Henning