December 2020 ELM Newsletter

Ministry News

Greetings once again in the name of our blessed Savior and Lord Jesus Christ!  I hope you enjoyed Thanksgiving with your loved ones in spite of the Covid.  Everyone will be happy to see 2020 pass into 2021 but the reality is that it is only a calendar change.  America needs a heart change more than anything else. Because of this chaos, we are likely going to wait, a year to rebrand the ministry.

My counseling schedule has picked up a little and running groups in partnership with Cross Care Ministries has been a real joy.  I am excited to let you know that you can go through the Journey Tools Program on your  own for a donation as the Lord leads.  I have several folks who have taken the route of going through the material on their own and then followed up with a group.  Please take advantage of this opportunity by signing up at:

New group sessions will start in mid-January 2021.  I’d love to have some of you along for the healing journey.

I am looking forward to the resolution of the election and the potential to return to some semblance of the America we once knew.  I have been able to see clients in person as well as on line.  I am eager to get back to doing conferences in person, but in the meantime, I am putting out a weekly Ladies’ Bible class video on YouTube.  Join us if you’d like by subscribing to my YT channel at Robyn Henning.

Testimony Time

A long time client, Sally Mae, grew up in a home where she faced constant rejection from her mother who taught her that her emotions were invalid.  She responded very well to the foundational teachings of the Exchanged Life and experienced a great deal of freedom from her pain.

She decided to go through the Journey Tools Group program through which she learned to use the Compasses and the FED map to reconnect with her emotions and process through past pain.  After completing the group, she continued to use the tools, and in follow-up sessions, we were able to address the deep negative emotions lingering from her mom’s rejection.

While this process is challenging for her, she is rejoicing in the power God is displaying through the use of the Journey Tools.  Layer upon layer of yuck stored up in her Hidden Chambers is being detoxed from her Well of Yuck.  She is learning to enjoy the things she loves like nature and astronomy.  In the past, she always felt guilty for enjoying these things because of her mom’s negative reactions.

There are more layers to clean out and God is faithfully doing this at a pace she can handle.  She is forever grateful to the Lord for ELM and the Journey Tools and how He is using them in her life to bring her to healing.  She is also excited about helping with the Journey Tools Scholarship Fund.  The Lord has taught her how to function from Abundance and as a result, she truly is a cheerful giver to the Lord’s work.

Pastor Ken’s Update

From Pastor Ken Keeler:  I have been preaching regularly at a church in York from the book of James and every Sunday night at my local church in York through the book of Joshua. Both have been going really well and I am getting good responses.

I am getting great feedback from the men in my group going through Christ’s Plan for Victorious Living. Also, I’ve been writing a one-page commentary for each lesson in my daughter-in-law’s study on Romans 5 through 8.

I also will be teaching chapel at the Christian School of York this coming Wednesday on the topic, Sold Under Sin from Romans 7:7-25. This will be a great opportunity to share how not to live a defeated life but how to live a Victorious Life in Christ. Pray for the students to learn the truth from this passage.

Please pray for these preaching and teaching opportunities and for more opportunities to preach in churches.

ELM Finances

Thank you so much to all of you who made donations this quarter.  The income I earned from Journey Tools has been a huge help to ELM.  This is making it more feasible for me to pay both mine and the ministry’s expenses.

We are seeking year end donations from Christian businesses to our Journey Tools Scholarship Fund to help those who need to be in the group program but can’t afford the $397 cost.  We don’t turn anyone away, but we need your help to help others.  Please ask God if He wants you to make a  year end donations to this part of our ministry.

You tax deductible donation can be made to ELM and you can do so by check or by going to the Donation page of our website at

Praise and Prayer


  1. For more Journey tools groups to launch in January.
  2. For more experienced Exchanged Life counselors to join the JT team.
  3. For new clients and speaking engagements.
  4. For wisdom on the timing of ELM’s rebranding.
  5. For wisdom in each counseling session and for my client’s to grow.
  6. For Ken to effectively preach and mentor God’s Word and teach his workbook material.
  7. For ELM’s social media following to grow exponentially.
  8. For real estate to rebound, our farm to sell at a good price and the Lord’s leading in my future housing.


  1. For lives that were transformed in our Journey Tools groups.
  2. For Pastor Ken’s opportunities to teach the EL truths.
  3. For my clients’ growth in Christ and their emotional/spiritual healing.
  4. For a growing social media following of our blog.
  5. For the healing God has brought in my personal life through Journey Tools.
  6. For a great first group of JT group facilitator trainees.
  7. For the opportunity to still teach my Ladies’ Bible class via You Tube even thought we are still not meeting at church.

And so the angel said to them, “Do not be afraid; for behold, I bring you good news of great joy which will be for all the people;  for today in the city of David there has been born for you a Savior, who is Christ the Lord. .” Luke 2:10-11