Here’s a question that we are often asked, “What’s your favorite Bible verse?”

I would say that Proverbs 3:5,6 is high on many folks’ list.  ‘

I know it’s right up there with Galatians 2:20 for me.

So, let’s break it down.

Step one: “Trust in the LORD with ALL your heart.”

“Lord, what lies am I believing that keep me from trusting you with all of my heart?”

“Who taught me to believe that lie?”

Take notes on what He speaks in your mind.

Remember you have the mind of Christ, and He will establish your thoughts with those answers.

Test it against Scripture and allow the Lord to speak His truth into the lies.

Forgive those who taught you to believe the lies, exchange the lie for truth and then declare that you are unpartnered with the lie and repartnered with Jesus and His truth.

Step 2: Do not try to figure life out on your own understanding.

My move to Greenwood is a great example.

When I shift into analyzing the ‘wisdom’ of moving there, I cannot come up with a good reason to land there.

My choice would be different.

However, as crazy as it sounds, I know that this is where the Lord wants me to land.

Step 3: In all my ways (choices), acknowledge Him.

This is where the God Ask comes in.

Trust and faith are essential to have to clearly discern His leading.

I need to consistently ask God for His leading…not His opinion… and commit ahead of time to following His leading in faith.

Step 4: He shall direct your paths.

This is the promise of His faithfulness to lead us.

Our God is the Promise Keeper.

Do you see how these concepts build on each other?

The foundation is faith.

If you’re having trouble hearing God’s still small voice, most likely you need to get in a quieter state of mind.

Worship helps refocus and quiet our minds.

Also, we need to ask the Spirit to show us where we have given ground to a spirit of fear.

Fear and Faith do not co-exist.

They repel one another.

Satan’s chief weapon is fear and what if phrases come from him.

Ask the Lord to show you where you have given into a spirit of fear, renounce it, exchange it for the fruit of faithfulness and press into the Lord all the more to faithfully lead you into His truth.

These are the four pillars of faith that under gird our walk with Him.

Beloved, trust Him, ask Him, walk on in faith in Him each day.

Robyn Henning