Ever get a paper cut? Your paper cut ever turn into something more, like an infection? I have! The fact that a little paper cut can cause such affliction baffles my mind.

We are concluding our super miniseries on wounds. Previously, we considered heartbreaking wounds. This week, we turn our attention to the wounds that we perceive as superficial. In essence, these are wounds that may bruise the heart but not break it.

Some of us tend to stuff those “minor” offenses into the hidden chambers and lock them up, because we don’t have time or capacity to deal with them now. We often perceive them to have no lasting or future traumatic impact, but we are deceived. No matter the justification, this is not an abundant mindset.

Those stuffed offenses come right back up in current circumstances. Our subconscious remembers what’s locked away our Hidden Chambers. And now what is a level 3 event has escalated to a level 10. Projection can be so destructive!

Avoidance is never a tactic that will produce healing for any wound. So instead of risking infection by brushing off that paper cut, treat it appropriately as to the kind of wound it is. Don’t ignore it.

No matter how serious you perceive a wound to be, deal with it. It is not worth the bondage and weight.

Jesus cares about all our wounds! He himself endured the same pains and temptations that we experience in this day and culture. He can be trusted!

One of the lies I believe the enemy has been so successful in getting the “church” to believe is that his tactics are not relevant to today. Just as he wants us to believe the Word of God is not relevant to today.

Jesus follower, the tactics of the enemy have not changed. But what matters most is that the Truth has never changed. The Word of God remains true. Jesus- the Living Word is Truth, and HE IS ETERNAL!

So if this is true, why is it that we don’t believe we can trust Him to heal the small wounds and the life-threatening wounds? Why do we believe the lie that Jesus is so far removed from our cares and afflictions?

Don’t believe the lie. Jesus is all we need! His Word is the one and only Life Manual we need. That has not and never will change. Search His face, lean into Him, choose to trust Him with it ALL.

Hearts are like gardens. Posture is everything in the garden. Let your heart be the garden where Jesus, your Christ, has free reign to sow and reap as He so pleases. Choose to trust Him to till the ground as He divinely sees fit! Trusting it is all for your good and His glory to make you like Him(Rom. 8:28).

1 Peter 5:6,7 “Therefore, humble yourselves under the mighty hand of God, that He may exalt you in due time, casting all your cares upon Him, for He cares for you.”