“I’m Worthless”

That’s exactly what Satan wants us to believe.

It’s his favorite lie for a Christian to buy into.

Why?  Because it’s such an insult to Jesus.

How does Satan con us into believing it?

He appeals to negative messages from key people in our lives.

If we grew up hearing, “You’re stupid. I wish you were never born,” then it’s easy for us to believe that we are worthless.

Satan also bombards us with the deceitful standards of the world.

The world values people by their abilities, appearance, education level, financial earnings, and personal power.

God values us simply because we are His children.

His value system has nothing to do with our abilities, spiritual gifts, appearance, intelligence or money.

Beloved, an item’s worth is determined solely by what someone is willing to pay for it.

God so loved us that He paid for us, redeemed us, at the price of the Blood of the Lamb.

The price tag He put on us was: Jesus Christ!

We have infinite value in Jesus!

Our true value never changes because it’s based only on Jesus.

So, if the enemy starts to nag at you with feelings of worthlessness, point him to the cross.

Tell Satan, “My worth is determined by Jesus, not me, you or the world!  Go bug someone else!”

The Apostle Paul tells us that we have been bought by God, so we are not our own.  Therefore, we are to glorify God with our bodies.

Beloved, you are of infinite worth in Christ Jesus!  Rejoice!



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  • Cath says:

    Satan remains hard at work with everything you pointed out Robyn. For years, I would shout “be gone Satan” when I knew he was up to no good! Keep up the great work. He’s gifted you amazingly! 🙂