What do you see when you look ahead to 2024?
More chaos? Or, hope for revival?
I am choosing to look for revival.
What does the word revival mean?
It means bringing something or someone back from the brink of death.
It is taking something that has grown cold and heating it up again.
I believe that Satan means to destroy mankind simply because we are made in the image of God, and He hates God with a visceral passion.
All that we have seen take place from COVID, vaccine injuries, brutal wars to rigged elections worldwide can easily sink us into despair.
Beloved, take heart!
God is still in charge.
I believe that He is the One who will turn the world around and breathe life into the hearts of mankind.
I believe that He will do it in a way that everyone will see it and know that it is Him.
No man will be able to take create for the way He intervenes.
The Lord spoke to me in April of 2020 that there was a huge revival coming and He was moving me to SC to work with Journey Tools which will be a major player in bringing healing to many broken hearts.
Do not lose heart!
God is on the move.
He is Faithful and True.
The enemy does not get to usher in the Tribulation before God says it’s time for that seven year period. Restoration of what the enemy has stolen and revival is coming… soon and very soon.
The church needs to exercise it’s authority in Christ Jesus to rebuke the enemy and to pray for revival and deliverance from the plots of schemes of the enemy and those who serve him.
We are on the cusp of it.
Again, take heart!
Share the gospel every chance you get.
Many more souls need to know Jesus as Savior and Lord.
We are close, but the work is not yet done.
Stay faith-full and keep your eyes fixed on Jesus, the Author and Finisher of our faith.
By God’s Grace, let’s make 2024 the year of Revival!
Robyn Henning