Last week, I shared about the process that God uses to teach us to trust and follow Him.

This week, I want to contrast the difference between punishment and discipline.

Punishment results from breaking a law; it requires the payment of the lawbreaker’s debt to society.

It’s not really concerned with benefiting the law breaker.

On the other hand, discipline is ALL about teaching, “Don’t do that! You’re going to hurt yourself and others!  Here’s the better choice.”

Beloved, God’s punishment is reserved for unbelievers not His children.

He will never punish His children, but He will discipline us, because He loves us.

Some believers react to God’s discipline by concluding, “God hates me!”

No!  His discipline is evidence of His great love for us!

God’s discipline is training for our future not punishment for our past.

Also, did you know that God is never disappointed with us?

Why? His expectations of us are always based on reality.

He knows the end from the beginning; therefore, nothing we do ever catches Him by surprise.

Also, remember He has established our new identity in Jesus Christ.

Who we are is not determined by our choices; it is dependent on Jesus.

Jesus defines us!

So, because we are in Christ, we are always pleasing to God.  He will never reject us!

Now, if we pursue our flesh, He will discipline us, and we don’t get to choose the form of that discipline; He does.

His discipline is always motivated by His great love for us.

His goal for us to be conformed to the image of Jesus Christ.

This means that Father wants us to learn to wholeheartedly trust Him to direct our steps and empower us to do His will.

So, when He disciplines you, thank Him for showing you His love, and LEARN from it!

Then, choose to reset your mind on Jesus living in you and allow Him to do all things through you!

