All of us struggle to some degree with a grumbling and complaining spirit.

I was listening to a pastor teach on the topic in conjunction with the Exodus account, and the Spirit drew my attention to the word, complaint.

He impressed on me the legal usage of the word.

When a lawsuit is filed, the one doing the suing files a complaint with the courts.

That person has made a judgment of wrongdoing against the person they are ‘complaining’ about, and they are asking the court to render a judgment in agreement with their position.

When we complain about the weather, our circumstances, our health, our bodies, we are declaring a complaint against God.

We are judging Him for the heat, humidity, rain, lack of rain.

This was an ‘aha’ moment for me in realizing why God hates grumbling and complaining so much.

It simply is a false verdict that we render against Him.

It’s insulting and disrespectful to Him.

If we were walking in the fear of the Lord, we would not dare to utter a complaint about anything.

I am guilty of complaining about how short He made my earthsuit, how hard it is to lose weight at my age, how humid it is in the South, as so much more.

Lord Jesus, forgive me and take the legal ground back from the enemy that I’ve given him through judging You and complaining.

So, how do we overcome a complaining spirit?

Purpose to praise Him and give thanks in all things.

I’ve asked the Lord to correct me quickly if a complaint enters my mind.

God is good; He is absolutely good.

Paul consistently teaches us in several of his letters to take our thoughts captive, test our thoughts, set our minds on the Spirit, give thanks in all things.

Why? Because our flesh loves to be judge or in other words, ‘I will be as God.’

I’ll decide what’s good and not good for me.

In the process, my flesh will condemn God for what He does.

No thank you.

Like Job, I’ll not say another word.

I have the understanding of a worm at best compared to God.

So beloved, guard your thoughts and words.

Praise Him in all things for He is absolutely good, and He has redeemed us through the cross.


Robyn Henning