“Rejoice in the Lord always; again I will say, rejoice!” Philippians 4:4
The fact that Jesus is the same yesterday, today and forever makes always rejoicing in Him possible. Paul emphasizes the importance of rejoicing in Jesus by stating his exhortation twice. What are some of the benefits of always rejoicing in Jesus? Here are just a few:
1. It keeps us focused on Him and His love for us instead ourselves and our
2. It grows a positive attitude that will pervade our thoughts and words.
3. It cultivates the spiritual fruit of joy in our lives.
4. It lets Jesus be seen through us and others will be drawn to Him.
5. It prevents a grumbling and complaining spirit.
Our selfish flesh loves to grumble and complain hoping that other people will feel sorry for us. As believers in Jesus Christ, we really have nothing to complain about! His blood has redeemed us, and there is no circumstance that can remove us out of His love. This is the main reason why we should always rejoice in Him. Remember that joy and happiness are two different things. Happiness is totally dependent on how comfortable we are in our present circumstances. Joy is an inner state of contentment that our circumstances cannot influence, because joy comes from the presence of the Holy Spirit dwelling within us. This is why we can have joy in the midst of sorrow. Jesus is still present in us and with us when our circumstances are painful. So, no matter what we are facing in life, beloved, we need to practice what Paul exhorts us to do in this verse. Rejoice in the Lord always; rejoice!