Well, it’s 2020…Happy New Year everyone.
We have a tendency to look at the change of years to be the time to resolve to make changes in our lives.
Why? It’s a new year.
We like the concept of rebirth.
We like the idea of all things being made new.
I wonder why?
Beloved, we are hard wired to be connected to God.
The reason that Jesus used the term ‘born again’ is that He knew that for us to be reconnected to God we needed to be reborn into Jesus’ family.
How? His death and resurrection paid for the sin on mankind.
This gives us the chance to place our faith in Him thus uniting us with Him in His death, burial and resurrection.
A new birth happens.
We are taken out of Adam’s family and reborn into Jesus’ family.
We are transformed from sinners in Adam to saints in Christ Jesus.
All things have been made new for those who place their faith in Jesus.
This is so critical for believers to understand.
If they continue to believe that the only thing that has changed is that they have their ticket punched for heaven, then they will just try to live the Christian life in their own strength.
This will only lead to frustration and judgmental legalism.
When we see that the old has passed away and the new has come, we understand that it’s Christ who lives His life through us for His glory and we are set free from sin’s power through the Law.
The Law is not negated; rather, because Jesus fulfilled the Law, He empowers us to walk in obedience to Him step by step.
His moral Law hasn’t changed.
What’s changed is that it’s Jesus in us now living through us in grace-filled obedience to Papa.
All we have to do is rest and receive His life and love for Papa and those around us.
The abundance that He pours into us will overflow to those around us as we abide in His life and love.
How do we practically do this?
It’s all about mindset.
Set your mind in the morning on the truth that Jesus is your source of Life and is going to do everything through you that day.
Then, throughout the day as needed thank Him for doing things through you no matter how small the task.
The small tasks prepare you to draw on Him for the harder tasks where you need His grace to get through them.
So, beloved, let’s resolve to draw on His strength for all things this year!
Happy 2020!
Robyn Henning
Hey Robyn
It’s been a while since I talked with you but I was wondering if you would answer a question for me. I just finished reading Into Abba’s Arms by Sandra Wilson. In it she speaks of practicing the presence of God. Is this what you are talking about when you say to talk to God about the little things?
That is very much part of it. I use the phrases, “Thank You, Jesus, for doing this through me” or “I can’t, Lord, but You can” to keep me aware of His presence in me working through me for His glory. Without Him, I can do nothing! Blessings!