Have you been following the Presidential nomination process?

Personally, I gave up on hoping that politicians can get our country back on track when Obama was first elected.

So, I certainly do not believe that any of the candidates will stop the decline that our nation in experiencing.

In fact, all of them especially the top two candidates are scary.

One is a narcissistic sociopath, and the other is a habitual liar who has proven to make decisions that jeopardized our nation’s security.

There are no good choices.

Here’s the reality: the only person who can turn our nation around is Jesus.

So, what’s the bigger problem?

Churches are focused more on entertaining than on teaching believers how to have an intimate walk with Jesus.

As a result, most believers are trying to live the Christian life in their own strength which leaves them frustrated, defeated and unsalty.

In fact, there is so little difference between believers and unbelievers that unbelievers think, “What’s the point?   Christianity is irrelevant and intolerant.”

Just this week, I heard one of the candidates say that if elected, a mental health evaluation would be mandatory for all Americans.

Now, you might think that because I am in the Mental Health field that I would be all for that, but I am NOT!

There’s no freedom in that thinking.

And, with the revisions in the American Psychiatric Association Diagnostic Manual, I can foresee that anyone who holds to a literal interpretation of Scripture and God’s moral code could be labeled with a mental disorder and assigned to deprogramming therapy.

I also foresee in the near future that anyone who is a licensed therapist will not be able to counsel using a Biblical approach especially in sexual identity issues.

That’s the primary reason that I never jumped through the State’s licensure hoops.

Beloved, pray for revival in the church that results in believers learning their identity in Christ.

Then, believers will learn to walk in the power of the Spirit and unbelievers will see Christ in us and either be drawn to Jesus or get so cranky that they amp up the persecution.

Either way, it’s our country’s only hope to be restored to greatness.

We need to be on our knees praying, doing battle against the spiritual forces of darkness that are seeking to destroy our country from within.

Jesus is the only hope for our nation.

Please join me this week in interceding for our nation!

