John Wanamaker was one of the greatest businessmen our country ever had.
He gave a speech at his place of business one day and mentioned that he had made large purchases of property in his lifetime and the buildings and grounds of his business were valued at approximately $20 billion.
He went on to say that the biggest purchase He ever made was when he was an 11 year old country boy.
In a little mission Sunday school, he bought from his teacher a small, red leather Bible.
The Bible cost him $2.75, which he paid for in small monthly installments.
He said that it was his greatest purchase, for that Bible made him “what he is today.”
He appreciated the Word of God.
How much do we appreciate the Word?
More than food?
In Job 23:12 it says,
“I have treasured the words of His mouth more than my necessary food.”
More than money?
Psalm 119:72 says,
“Your instructions are more valuable to me than millions in gold and silver.”
More than sleep?
Psalm 119:148 says,
“My eyes are wide-open throughout the nighttime hours to reflect on your Word.”
Now this doesn’t advocate not sleeping, but some believers have a hard time getting out of bed for their devotions or on a Sunday to study God’s Word.
When we appreciate God’s Word, the Holy Spirit uses it in our lives.
1 Thessalonians 2:13 says,
“For this reason we also constantly thank God that when you received the word of God which you heard from us, you accepted it not as the word of mere men, but as what it really is, the word of God, which also is at work in you who believe.”
A man in Kansas City was severely injured in an explosion.
The victim’s face was badly disfigured, and he lost his eyesight as well as both hands.
He was just a new Christian, and one of his greatest disappointments was that he could no longer read the Bible.
Then, he heard about a lady in England who read Braille with her lips.
Hoping to do the same, he sent for some books of the Bible in Braille.
Much to his dismay, however, he discovered that the nerve endings in his lips had been destroyed by the explosion.
One day, as he brought one of the Braille pages to his lips, his tongue happened to touch a few of the raised characters and he could feel them.
Like a flash he thought, I can read the Bible using my tongue.
The man then went on to read through the entire Bible many times.
Talk about appreciating the Word!
How about us?
Pastor Ken Keeler, Director of Church Ministries
Encouragement Laced With A Weave Of Conviction! Thanks, Ken!!!
Thanks Vern, I am always glad when I hear the Lord uses His Word through these blogs.