Basic Battle Strategy

We have been talking about the spiritual battle and today I want to give you a practical example of how to pray against Satan’s strategies.

I am going to focus on his favorite weapon: Fear.

Why does he like it so much?

If you give into fear, you cannot function in faith.

If you give into fear, you are not resting in Jesus’ perfect love for you.

Satan uses fear to steal, kill and destroy.

He loves to steal your sleep, your hope, and your confidence in God to work every thing together for your good to make you like Jesus.

When we give into fear, we are giving the enemy legal permission to bring about the very thing we fear.

Recently, the Lord called my attention to the fact that I was afraid that I would be miserable living in Greenwood.

He also pointed out to me that yes, He was asking me to leave everything and everyone I hold dear and move to a foreign land.

But He also promised to give me a hundredfold in return for all that I was giving up to follow His path for me.

So, I went through a prayer in which I confessed the fear, renounced it and reclaimed the ground I had given to the enemy through it.

Here is how to apply this.

Ask the Spirit to search you and show you anywhere you are giving into fear.

Write down what He speaks into your mind.

Ask Him to speak His truth into the fear…. again,write down the thoughts He establishes in your mind.

Ask Him where the fear is really rooted.

It may have been passed on through your family or it may have gained a foothold another way.  He will show you.  Write it down.

The following is a very basic prayer format to use:

“Lord Jesus Christ, I confess giving ground to a spirit of fear by (what He showed you).  I renounce this fear and I unpartner with it.  I choose instead to partner with Jesus and His faithfulness.  I declare my faith in the shed blood of Jesus who has redeemed me and I surrender to His will in my life.  I reclaim all ground both on the earthly battlefield and in the courts of heaven that I have given to the enemy.  I am free from his legal accusations and from his attacks in my thinking.  I choose to take every thought captive and to align in faith with God’s truth.  Thank You for loving me, Lord Jesus, and I am safe and secure in You. Amen.”

Remember you are seated in Christ Jesus at the right hand of the Father in victory over your enemies.

Our victory is guaranteed each time we appropriate it in prayer.

Robyn Henning