How does the Holiday season make you feel? For some folks, it’s their absolute favorite time of year, but for others, it’s a sad reminder of lost loved ones, broken…
Last week, we looked at the prodigal son and how his Father gladly extended grace and celebrated his return home. But, there was a family member who wasn’t so thrilled…
Most of us are familiar with the parable of the Prodigal Son. Which one of the brothers do you relate to the most? Perhaps, you relate more to the Father…
My wife, Linda, and I recently got together with friends, and the husband told us about a guy he works with whose wife ran up a $100,000.00 credit card debit…
To whom do you look for approval? Maybe you look to a parent, spouse, friends, extended family, boss and coworkers… Think about it, seriously, whose opinion of you really matters…
How righteous does a person have to be to get into heaven? 51%? No. The answer is 100% Say what? Then, who can hope to go to heaven? Only those…
How do you react to storms? Some folks like to curl up with a hot drink and watch the show out the window. Others want to hide under their bed…
Have you ever sought the godly counsel of another believer only to receive a Bible verse, a pat on the head, and the challenge to just do it? I call…
Have you been watching the Olympics from Rio? I have, and I was excited to hear the testimony of two US athletes who won the silver medal for men’s synchronized…
Last week, we started to look at our new identity in Christ. Remember that mental health comes from seeing ourselves as God sees us. This week our focus is on…