Does confusion have its hold on you?

While God used confusion more than once against His enemies as recorded in the Old Testament, He never speaks confusion to His children.

One the other hand, Satan loves to overwhelm believers through confusion.


He uses our lack of knowledge of God’s Word to manipulate us.

Our primary source of truth is God’s Word; therefore, we need to be students of God’s Word.

Yes, we need to sit under competent teachers of His Word, but we also need to be like the Bereans mentioned in Acts, who tested even what Paul taught against the Scriptures.

How many cults have their roots in one man’s version of Christianity?

People fall for charismatic cult leaders who twist the Bible and manipulate followers through fear.

“God will zap you if you don’t do what I tell you to do.”

People fall for this lie because they elevate a person to the position only God should have in their lives.

Beloved, do not put any pastor or teacher on a pedestal.  They are mere mortals.

They make mistakes just like the rest of us.

I am not saying don’t respect them.  They are not the source of truth; God’s Word is.

This means that every believer is responsible to learn how to feed themselves from God’s Word.

There are several great tools available to teach you how to study God’s Word.

Precepts Ministries has great resources to learn the Inductive Bible Study method – Observation, Interpretation, Application.

It takes hard work and discipline, but it is so worth the time and effort.

It you want to end confusion, dive into God’s Word.

Your trust in God will grow, and you will see His path for you clearly.

