Defeating the Winter Blues

Don’t you just love it when we turn back the clocks?

I really enjoyed the perceived extra hour of sleep…. until it got dark at 5 PM.

Now, it’s just SAD.

Seasonal Affective Disorder is a real thing.

Our bodies are made to live in the light.

We absorb Vitamin D from the sun’s rays, and the light boosts the production of happy brain chemicals.

I have several friends who live year round in Alaska, and at least one of them has to use specials lights to get through the long, dark winters.

Also, the holidays aren’t cheery for everyone, especially for those who’ve lost a loved one.

The cold, the snow, being stuck inside with cabin fever can all contribute to feeling depressed.

Here’s just a few suggestions for overcoming the winter and holiday blues.

Purpose to stay focused on giving thanks for Jesus on Thanksgiving and on celebrating His birth at Christmas.

Put aside all the commercial noise that surrounds the holidays.

As Christmas approaches, listen to Christmas songs that focus on Jesus.

This will help set your mind on Him and lift your spirits.

Throughout the winter, start your day with a joyful greeting to our Savior, thank Him for making the day, and then thank Him that Spring is coming.

Each day, purpose to draw on His strength to do all things through you.

For example, build the habit of saying, “Thank You, Jesus, for doing _______ through me.”

Not only does this help you to tap into His strength, but it feeds your mind on the reality of His Presence.

Remember: In His Presence is the fullness of Joy!

So, be diligent to set your mind on “Christ IN you, Christ THROUGH you” this winter, and you will experience the Joy of His Presence instead of the winter blues!



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  • Anonymous says:

    Thank you Robyn, for addressing the “winter blues”. Since losing my husband, the holidays have always been difficult for me. thank you for the suggestions to focus on Jesus – to thank Him for each thing that He is doing through me. I love music, thanks for the suggestion to focus on music that glorifies Jesus at Christmas. I appreciate the helpful ideas you have given! God bless you! Pat Hambach