Discipleship 101: Part 3 “Following Jesus”

Are you naturally a leader, or do you prefer to follow another person’s lead?

What is one quality necessary to be a good leader?


If followers don’t trust their leader, it won’t be long before they do their own thing.

Our willingness to follow Jesus is directly proportional to how deeply we trust Him.

When we follow Him, fruit is produced — fruit that has an eternal impact!

So, guess what?

Satan is constantly seeking to undermine our trust in Jesus.

He accuses God to us in an effort to get us to lean on our own understanding and then to chart our own course.

A course that we deem best in order to preserve our own personal peace and happiness.

Some of us really struggle with trusting Jesus because of painful circumstances.

We want to avoid all pain.

So, maybe we follow Him, but it’s from a distance.

We keep Jesus in view, but we are trailing far behind.

Here’s the truth: the closer we walk to Jesus, the safer we are from the enemy’s arrows.

Jesus is our Shield and Defender.  I want to stand right behind my Shield, don’t you?

Beloved, ask the Holy Spirit to show you any lies that you are believing that are keeping you from following closely after Him.

Ask the Spirit to speak His truth into you spirit.

Renounce the lies; claim His healing truth.

Draw near to Him, and He WILL draw near to you.

Trust Him with ALL of your heart and follow Him closely.

That’s the safest place for us to be!

