Have you ever been cranky at God?
I mean so cranky that you might even think He’s mean and unfair?
Has it gotten so bad that you might just doubt He even exists?
Crankiness at God is usually due to circumstances that haven’t gone the way we wanted.
So, like petulant children, we throw a tantrum and accuse God of not loving us anymore.
Beloved, Satan baits us into viewing God through the lens of our circumstances.
If everything is going the way we want, then God loves us; if things aren’t going our way, He hates us.
It’s easy to see the immaturity in this mindset when a child is having a fit.
But, how about when we do it as adults with God.
“God, why didn’t You let me get that job?”
“Why didn’t you stop me from…?”
I’ve walked with a number of saints who’ve made fleshly decisions that have had severe long-term consequences.
Satan is always right there to set the trap for us to accuse God for our own choices.
If we entertain Satan’s accusations, we assume the role of Judge and put God on trial and hand down the verdict of ‘not good.’
Beloved, we have no capacity to stand in judgment of our Creator.
Do not take the bait!
God is our loving Father; therefore, He disciplines us for our own good.
The real question is why aren’t we owning up to our choices and accepting the consequences?
Here’s what I suggest:
- look yourself in the mirror;
- accept responsibility for your choices;
- accept that your sins are 100% paid for in full by the blood of the Lamb;
- acknowledge your total dependence on Jesus to endure the consequences.
Then, confess your crankiness toward God, seek His forgiveness and restoration of fellowship with Him and ask Him to do all things through you for His glory.
Beloved, there is never a moment that God doesn’t love us.
He is always working in our best interests.
This means He will discipline us for our fleshly choices to teach us to walk after the Spirit and follow Him.
As the writer of Hebrews tells us, “All discipline at the moment seems not to be joyful, but sorrowful; yet to those who have been trained by it, afterwards it yields the peaceful fruit of righteousness.”
Remember: God is absolutely Good!
Robyn Henning