So, what’s your excuse?

In church, our pastors have been preaching a series of sermons on the account of Saul and his servant being sent out on a ‘donkey mission.’

This week’s sermon focused on the different excuses Saul had to give up and go home without completing the mission.

I am going to share several of the key points of the sermon because it really hit home with me.

Excuses always begin with a ‘but.’

And they always show us where our faith is placed.

If we are trusting God, we will do whatever He calls us to do.

If we are leaning on our own understanding, we will come up with a list of excuses of why we aren’t moving forward as He instructed.

“I know God told me to…. but I don’t have….”

Excuses keep us trapped in unbelief.

They come from three sources:

  1. Pride – any thought that focuses on the effect on me instead of thinking on God’s call.
  2. Fear – what if I fail; what will others think.
  3. Scarcity – I don’t have enough time, money, talent.

Beloved, we all make excuses for our disobedience or why we give up and go home like Saul wanted to do.

I know that I checked all three boxes.

Stop and ask the Lord, “Jesus, where am I making excuses for not doing what You’ve called me to do today?”

Listen. Ask Him to speak truth into the excuses.

Put off the unbelief and lies and choose to put on the mind of Christ which says, “I can do all things through Christ who is my strength.”

If Saul had packed up and gone home, what would he have missed?

His anointing as King of Israel.

He had no idea it was coming.

His servant was the one who prodded him to continue and seek Samuel for help.

Sometimes we need a brother or sister to serve us by prodding us to continue in faith that the mission has purpose and will be fruitful if we just stop making excuses and trust God and move forward in faith.

The amount they offered Samuel was about 50 cents, but they offered all they had to God who then in turn poured out His anointing on Saul as King.

Let’s purpose to shed our excuses and step out in faith each day and allow Him to do His will through us for His glory!

Robyn Henning