What’s in a name?
Names were a big deal in the Bible.
Name changes were often made by the Lord to signify changes He made within a person.
Saul to Paul is a prime example.
However, I want to focus on the names Jesus is referred to as in Revelation 19.
He is called Faithful and True, the Word of God, and King of Kings and Lord of Lords.
He is also said to have a name only He knows.
I want to focus on the name, Faithful and True.
These names are descriptions of character.
To be faithful and true is to be 100% consistent in being reliable and unchanging.
He is who He says He is all of the time.
I AM that I AM.
The game plan of the enemy is to get us to believe his lies against the character of God, to believe that He isn’t faithful or true rather He is unreliable and capricious.
One of the most effective ways he does this is to get us to view God through the lens of life’s circumstances.
Instead of taking God at His Word, we look for evidence that we judge ourselves.
In essence, we put God on trial and our circumstances testify for or against the faithfulness of God.
The error in this is that we make ourselves God’s judge and jury.
Folks, that never goes well.
Jesus told us that we will have tribulations in this life, but we are to cheer up because He has overcome this world.
When we judge God as unfaithful because of something He allowed in our lives or didn’t allow, we are in a dangerous place and the enemy will take us captive.
Like everyone else, I have had this struggle of seeing God through my circumstances.
Thankfully, He has used brothers and sisters to assist me along the way to see Him rightly.
Jesus is who He says He is.
If you have fallen into the trap of unbelief, ask the Spirit to show you where you have believed a lie against Him being Faithful and True, renounce that lie, and then ask Him to speak His truth into you.
Breaking free from the enemy’s lies is wonderful.
Let’s learn see God and Jesus and the Holy Spirit as they say they are.
Our bridegroom is Faithful and True and He is coming to get His bride very soon.
We will get to celebrate with Him for 7 years.
Then, Faithful and True, the Word of God who is King of Kings and Lord of Lords is returning to earth to show everyone who’s boss.
There will be no doubters then.
In the meantime, rest in your Savior who is Faithful and True.
Robyn Henning