I wanted to take this nugget to remind us all that there is a war raging all around us in dimensions that we are unable to perceive.

Physics has proven that there are at least 10 dimensions.

We perceive four but there are six more that are in the supernatural realm where the spiritual battle is taking place in full force.

Satan knows his time is short and he is preparing for a full on attack of theĀ  human race.

Beloved, do notĀ  be afraid of this.

The victory is already ours.

And we have been given full authority over the dark realm by virtue of our position in Christ at the right hand of the Father.

What I have noticed through the years is a fear among believers of understanding the nature of the spiritual battle and how to fight back.

I’ve also noticed an ignorance of Satan’s tactics that has led many true believers to unwittingly participate in his strategies against them.

Much of the western church dismisses demonic possession as simply mental illness and pushes those suffering toward a mental health system that is broken because it’s based on a faulty model of man.

It leaves out God completely.

Beloved, the days are short.

Do not participate in the deeds of darkness and thereby give Satan an opportunity to harass you.

We provide free of charge a document that has seven warfare prayers that target the common areas that people give ground to the enemy.

These prayers are tools or weapons in our arsenal to fight back against the enemy’s tactics of deception, temptation and accusation.

Fear is Satan’s favorite weapon.

It’s one of the main ways he’s kept so many believers in the dark and trapped in bondage to his strategies.

Beloved, rest in God’s perfect love which will cast out all fear.

Then, learn how to fight back and then to intercede for others caught up in the battle.

Take courage, Jesus is coming soon, but in the meantime, we have work to do and a battle to fight in His strength and for His glory.

NO weapon of the enemy formed against us shall prosper; the victory is ours in Christ Jesus.


Robyn Henning