How many of you are ready for 2020 and this Covid-19 thing to be over?  All of us right?

We just want to get back to normal.

This probably won’t happen until after the elections.

In the meantime, perseverance is necessary along with some real wisdom to sort out all the information thrown at us.

Spiritual discernment is in order.

What does it mean to persevere?

It means to maintain hope in the midst of difficult circumstances.

One of the things that Satan seeks to suck out of us is hope.

He does this primarily through distraction.

Hey, look over here!

Look at that storm and these waves and these murder hornets.

When we are looking at the storm who aren’t we looking at?

That’s right!  Jesus!

In Chapter 12 of Hebrews, we are exhorted to set aside all that hinders us and run the race with endurance or perseverance.  How?

We are to fix our gaze on Jesus, the author and finisher of our faith.

The Greek word for finisher implies that He is the One who empowers us to run all the way through to the end of the race and not only that, but to win the race.

The good news is that the One who ran His race, finished it and won it is the same One who will empower us to do likewise.

So, beloved, do not give into a spirit of fear and anxiety during these crazy times.

None of this nonsense has caught God by surprise.

He is still on the throne and still in control.

Take your eyes off the storm and lock in on Jesus.

He loves you with and everlasting love.

Nothing can separate you from the love of God in Christ Jesus.

He who began a good work in you will be faithful to complete it…He is the author and finisher of your faith.

Set your mind on the things above not the things on this earth.

Keep your mind set on the abundant life of Christ in you, living through you and there will be no room for anxiety, panic or fear.


Robyn Henning