Forgiveness Series Part 1: What is Forgiveness?

Do you find it easy to forgive people?

Or do you find it as hard as I do sometimes, especially if the wound is really deep?

Over the next few weeks, I want to look at what forgiveness is, why we need to forgive, and the step process to complete forgiveness.

So, let’s focus on defining the concept of forgiveness.

Forgiveness happens when someone owes us a debt, and then, we choose to erase that debt.

In so doing, we are actually the ones who bear the cost of the debt!

What then could possibly motivate a person to pay the debt of another?


There are many ways that indebtedness occurs, but only one way to forgive.

In this week’s Nugget of Truth video, I explain the foundational principle of forgiveness and the ultimate example that God set for us through the Lord Jesus’ death, burial and resurrection.

“Amazing Love, how can it be? That Thou my God shouldst die for me!” (Hymn: And Can It Be?)

I hope you will take a moment to view this week’s Exchanged Life Nugget of Truth video and share it with your friends!


