Forgiveness Series Part 4: The Forgiveness Prayer

Do you want to be free from bitterness?

Do you realize that bitterness comes from unforgiveness and is toxic to your soul?

Remember that forgiving a person is not tantamount to saying, “That’s okay. It’s no big deal.”

What they did, hurt!

The problem is that if you refuse to forgive, the hurt will continue to hurt and eventually poison your soul.

So, if you’re ready to get free from the hurt and bitterness, take a look at this week’s Exchanged Life Nugget of Truth video.

In it, I share a model prayer that helps lead you through the 3 step process of forgiveness.

Remember that you need to get emotionally real with God and give over the hurt and pain by giving it to Jesus and leaving it at the cross.

Use your God-given imagination to picture handing all of your pain to Him.

Once you do this, please consider contacting me and sharing how He ministered to you.

Jesus will heal your soul, if you obey Him by forgiving others as He has forgiven you!


