How would you like to be friends with Jesus?
Does it sound weird or sacrilegious?
Well, it didn’t to Jesus.
In John 15:13-16, Jesus speaks not only to His disciples, but also to us, when He says:
“Greater love has no one than this, that one lay down his life for his friends. You are My friends if you do what I command you. No longer do I call you slaves, for the slave does not know what his master is doing; but I have called you friends, for all things that I have heard from My Father I have made known to you.”
So, how do we know that He considers us His friends?
First off, He laid down His life for us.
Remember the definition of Apapao is choosing to set aside self interests to serve the best interests of another no matter what it costs us and no matter how they treat us in return.
This is the love that is the foundation for Phileo love that is friendship love.
It is what motivated Jesus to die for us.
Second, our response to His love is obedience.
Are we going to be perfect at it?
No, but the more we see ourselves as His friends, the more motivated we will be to trust Him and obey Him, because we know that His way for us is the very best choice we could make.
Third, we know that Jesus considers us His friends because He has revealed what He is doing to us.
We have Jesus’ prophetic talks with His disciples, the writings of Paul, and of course, the Revelation of Jesus Christ which He gave to His closest earthly friend, John.
Think about this: you don’t share your plans with your enemies nor with mere acquaintances. Why? You can’t trust them with the information.
But, you long to share your plans with your friends. Why? Because you know that they are on your side and will rejoice with you as these plans come to fruition.
Beloved, this is another reason why we should be students of prophecy.
He wants us to know what He is planning, and He wants us to be ready for His return.
Beloved, do you see yourself as Jesus’ friend?
When you do, you will see an increase to both your obedience to His will and your passion to understand His revealed Word.
Beloved, join me in resting in His friendship love.
Robyn Henning