Do you, or have you ever wrestled with God’s sovereignty?
Do you ever struggle with obedience when given an assignment from the Lord?
Throughout life there will be circumstances or assignments that may cause us to question God’s sovereignty.
I believe this leads us to doubt the voice and keeping power of God, and in turn we choose disobedience over obedience.
If you’re like me, this depends on the assignment or what He is asking of me.
But regardless of the situation or assignment, if God calls us to something or allows a trial; then we must trust Him with it.
Some call it blind faith or blind obedience, but it’s not.
You see our faith should not be in a thing happening, but in a person- that person is Jesus!
When the object of our faith is Jesus then obedience will come easier because we know that He never fails.
As we look over the course of time, it is evident that the supreme power is God’s and God’s alone.
From Genesis to Revelation, we see His hand on and over it all.
If He who formed us and called us by name can calm the storm and cause the oceans to obey His will to stay; then how much more can we trust His sovereignty over all we may encounter!
There are many references to in the Bible about heroes of the faith who walked in obedience as they trusted in the sovereignty of God.
One of those accounts is the life of Abraham (read Genesis 11:27-25:11).
You can see the sovereignty of God all over the life of Abraham.
I really like what it says in Hebrews 11:8 (paraphrased)
“By faith Abraham, when called…obeyed.”
He didn’t need all the facts to obey, He trusted that the God of the universe who was calling him, was able to keep Him.
In his book The Defining Verse, Warren W. Wiersbe says it best:
“Abraham failed occasionally just as we all do, but the general trend of his life was marked by faithful obedience. No matter what God called him to do, he believed that God’s calling involved God’s enabling, and he obeyed God by faith. If with the limited promises that Abraham had, he could successfully walk by faith, what ought we be able to do who possess the entire Word of God!”
Jesus is our supreme example of course, but I love that God also gave us His word rich and full of other human examples that we can leverage in our own walks with Him.
I love the challenge that Wiersbe gives:
“Let’s learn from Abraham to respond in obedient faith to God’s calling.”
Beloved, we can take this challenge and run with it, because God is sovereign over all!
But it must start with acknowledging our unbelief.
God honors a true and contrite heart, and He understands our imperfections as finite beings. For He created us!
May we choose obedience and trust over disobedience and unbelief.
Crystal Hippo