I recently heard a preacher state that whenever God shows you His plan expect the enemy to attack.
I can wholeheartedly agree with that statement.
I believe it’s time for the American church to wake up and reengage in the battle.
Fear of the enemy has led many to step off the battlefield.
We have allowed ourselves to become too comfortable, and we have stopped confronting the works of the enemy.
Oftentimes, the Lord with allow the enemy to target us in order to get us to wake up, stand up and pray up against the forces of darkness.
It’s is one thing to have a healthy respect for the enemy; it’s a whole other story to be afraid of him.
Who is greater, God or Satan?
Greater is He who is in us than he who is in the world!
Beloved, we are at war and the victory is ours, but there are battles still to be fought.
What is the one church gathering that the enemy had targeted the most so much so that very few churches even have them anymore?
Prayer meetings are few and far between.
As a whole, the church has lost its heart for prayer and intercession.
And unfortunately, relatively few believers know how to engage in spiritual warfare prayer or they are too afraid to rebuke the enemy.
If believers knew how scared the enemy is of one believer who knows their authority in Christ, they’d be lining up to learn how to pray against his works.
As a whole, our nation needs prayer warriors now more than ever.
We are at a crossroads in this country.
Join me in praying for the church to wake, stand up and pray up.
We need a revival; a wake-up call from the Holy Spirit.
We fight from victory that Jesus already achieved.
Let’s put our armor on and pray at all times in alignment with the will of God.
Start with praying for your family.
Pray Psalm 91 over your family daily.
Pray for your local church and local government to lead in accordance with God’s Word.
Pray for your state to do likewise and then pray for America to repent and turn back to its foundation which is God’s Word. Revival starts with repentance, prayer and intercession.
We need God to do more than bless America.
We need Him to revive His church and move powerfully through us to expose and undo the strongholds of the enemy.
May His will be done here in America as it is in heaven.
Robyn Henning