Many of you know that I am an End Times Prophecy Addict.

But did you know that the study of prophecy also leads one to grow in grace and the knowledge of Jesus?

At the end of Peter’s second letter to the churches, he talks about the second coming of Jesus, His judgment of mankind, and the recreation of the heavens and the earth.

He challenges us to consider how we should be living in light of the imminence of these events.

He concludes that godly conduct is the only logical response, and so, he ends his letter with the exhortation to grow in grace and the knowledge of Jesus.  He didn’t say, “Try harder to keep a list of dos and don’ts.”

He called us to grow in grace.

Remember Titus 2:11 teaches us that it is the “grace of God that teaches us to say ‘No’ to ungodliness,” not the law.

Even though the law is perfect and good, it triggers the power of sin to tempt us to assert our own will against God’s will.

In contrast, when we consider God’s grace toward us, we cannot help but also consider His great agape toward us as well.

It is this combination of love and grace that leads us to respond to God with submission to His will for us instead of asserting our own will.

The more intimately we know Jesus’ and His heart for us, the more we will respond with loving obedience as His Spirit guides us.

Beloved, our days here on earth are rapidly coming to an end.

How do you want to be found by your Bridegroom when he comes to snatch us away to the Wedding Feast?

There are many believers who wave off the idea of His near return and others who don’t believe He’s coming for His Bride at all.

Complacency leads to compromise.

Living under a list of do’s and don’ts only leads to defeat and further compromise.

Beloved, come to the cross.

See that you have been crucified with Jesus, buried with Him and raised again to new life.

You are free from the list, and now free to live in His grace and leading of the Holy Spirit.

The Spirit never leads us into compromise or sin.

He only ever leads us to obedience and freedom from the power of sin.

Our Savior and Bridegroom is prepared to come get us.

Let’s endeavor to be found by Him growing in His grace and the knowledge of Him.

Marantha! Come, Lord Jesus!


Robyn Henning