Have you ever had anyone tell you, “That’s all in your head?”
In other words, you’re imagining things.
Well, the enemy loves to play head games with us.
He will use sin to interject thoughts that in turn stir emotions which lead to other thoughts and so on.
We wind up caught in a whirlwind of nonsense.
His goal is to cripple us emotionally and mentally so that we cannot function.
Does this sound familiar to anyone?
So, how do we fight back?
Paul exhorts us to take every thought captive and make it submit to God’s truth. (2 Corinthians 10:5)
Obviously, this means we also need to know God’s Word because that is the Source of Truth.
It’s also why Paul wrote that we need to have our minds renewed by the Word of God so that we can know and align with God’s will. (Romans 12:1,2)
Personally, I’ve had a couple of trigger points this week that have led to mental battles with the enemy.
He can be relentless.
I am grateful for the Lord equipping me with the tools that we teach here with the Journey Tools program because they are powerful at uprooting the enemy.
But if we don’t believe God’s Word, we can falter.
If I had to boil it all down, the enemy’s target is to get us to function from fear and scarcity.
‘I don’t have enough; I’m not enough; God doesn’t love me; God is not enough; He’s left me.’
We know these statements are not in line with God’s Word, but when we open the door to fear, awareness of His love evaporates.
Using the simple tool we call the Emotional Compass can help us connect with the Spirit who will show us what emotions need to be exchanged for God’s peace.
God’s full embrace, His perfect love, repels fear.
He is WITH us. He is FOR us.
Beloved, it is so very important that we choose to set our thinking on what is in alignment with God’s truth.
The only other option is to think on the enemy’s lies.
The one brings life and health; the other results in illness and death.
Guard what you listen to, read and watch.
What you put into your mind matters.
Cleanse your mind with the truth of God’s Word.
Believe Him!
He really, really loves you!
Robyn Henning