Are you struggling with feeling hopeless in this pain-filled world?

Here’s a word of encouragement from His heart to yours.

Our reference of Reflection, Action, and Prayer today is Psalm 130:7

“Put your hope in the Lord, for with the Lord is unfailing love and with him is full redemption.”

ReflectHope is found in Christ alone! The world says hope is found in all these external factors: money, fame, success, drugs. Search within yourself; you have the power to harness your own destiny and hope.

There are other temporal things that the ruler of this world and the enemy of our souls’ dangles as an imitation hope.

It’s a trap and leads to despair and hopelessness.

Apart from Christ there is nothing.

We will never be good enough.

We will never be able to do enough “good things”, to earn eternal hope because we have nothing to contribute.

We are precious and beloved. If our source for hope is anywhere but Jesus Christ, than our hope is flawed and misplaced.

Jesus’s unfailing love for us led Him to the cross, to pay a debt we could not pay.

We can have hope because of that love and the work on the cross where it was spoken by our Savior, “It is finished.”

Without His unfailing love displayed on the cross, we cannot have redemption and thus cannot have hope.

I love the part of the verse that says full redemption.

He didn’t pick and choose which sin He was going to atone for.

No, He paid it all for it all!

Remember the journey ends in Victory. For it is written!

My challenge for us is to remember daily to ask, “Whom is our true eternal source?”

Jesus! And not just the source of hope and redemption, but for ALL things!

And as uncomfortable and sometimes broken as it may seem, there’s this sense of it is well with my soul!

That’s the hope I have. no matter how much the storm rages or no matter how much chaos seems to be going on around me, there is always hope!

  • Act– Purpose to partner with Jesus’s unfailing love, redemption, and hope.
  • Choose to partner with Jesus and the Holy Spirit.
  • Decide to un-partner with hate, condemnation, and hopelessness.
  • Answer the challenge.
  • Ask God what the takeaway from this time of reflection is and then if there’s a faith step, take it.
  • Walk in obedience from a heart of love because He first loved you.
  • Because in Him alone is Hope, unfailing love and redemption!

PrayOh Lord, we ask that You show Yourself to us as You truly are. Please Holy Spirit open our hearts to what the Father has for us, we acknowledge You are only our Hope and Redeemer. We receive and thank You for Your unfailing love. Show us how to walk in the fullness of who we are in You. Give courage to us when needed to answer the challenge and boldness to share You as the hope that is within us to those around us. May we always be pointing to You, King Jesus. Amen”


Crystal Hippo, Director of Redeeming Hearts Ministries