I’ve recently been sharing about love and betrayal and how to process the hurt of betrayal.

I know that for me the forgiveness is the easiest part, and it is by no means easy.

What’s truly challenging for me is reengaging the person and opening my heart to them.

I was walking with the Lord through the healing process and discussing my reluctance to opening my heart up and loving this person again.

My flesh was perfectly content to stand off at a safe emotional distance.

I was willing to engage but not love wholeheartedly.

Why? Because I did not want them to hurt me again.

Face it, betrayal really hurts.

The Lord showed me that I was afraid to open my heart to them.

Anyone who knows me, knows that I give no quarter to fear.

It’s Satan’s #1 tactic to trap us.

Also, He taught me long ago that behind all fear is unbelief.

So, I asked the Lord to show me what lie I was believing that was opening the door to fear.

He shifted my perceptions on some past betrayal wounds.

I saw how He had not only healed me from them, but also had moved me to a stronger ministry position in spite of the bombs that Satan delivered through other’s flesh choices.

Then, He spoke these words to me in my spirit,

“There is no wound that a person can inflict on you that I cannot heal.”

Wow.  I received that from Him and was immediately at peace with Him and the person who hurt me.

My interactions with them are free from fear.

I am able to once again see the real them in Christ.

I know that they are not the enemy, Satan is; and he cannot kill me.

Whatever bombs he drops or wounds he inflicts can and will be healed by Jesus’ love and forgiveness.

I am so thankful for the tools that we have with Journey Tools through Grief and Trauma.

It is my pleasure to pass them on to my clients and groupies.

The Lord is our Healer and He is close to the brokenhearted.

Bring your pain to Him and lay it at the cross.

Forgive your betrayers; exchange your pain for His healing; unpartner with what they did and repartner with Jesus’ love and healing.

Robyn Henning

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  • Jean Thoma says:

    That was beautiful. I would like to copy and paste in the Never Alone Minutes (Widows ministry) if that was ok with you. I always include your Ministry name and your name.