Intentional Cultivation

By September 19, 2023Exchanged Life Truths

Have you heard the phrase “microwave generation”?

It refers to wanting instant gratification with minimal to no effort.

We want it now, we want it cheap, and we want it to be good.

But we don’t want to work for it.

Before you become defensive, search your heart as I recently have had to.

All of us have an area in life that we want result, but we don’t want to have to work or sacrifice for it (if we’re honest).

It’s like that with our relationship with Jesus and others.

We want closeness without having to sacrifice the time and energy it takes to achieve close healthy relationships.

Additionally, we want spiritual maturity without doing the footwork to obtain spiritual maturity.

And because we perceive that the cost is too great, we choose to stay comfortable, we choose stagnation in our personal and spiritual growth.

As we continue in our series we look to Matthew 13:23.

The more I read the parable of the sower the more I see intentionality in this passage.

We read in Matthew 13:23 “But he who received seed on the good ground is he who hears the word and understands it, who indeed bears fruit and produces: some a hundredfold, some sixty, some thirty.”

If we are going to see fruit in our mentoring and discipleship of others we will need to be intentional!

Intentional cultivation in our own hearts is where it must begin.

If we’re going to be effective mentors, we must lead by example.

People are going to look at what you do……NOT LISTEN TO WHAT YOU SAY.

How can we share the impact of intentional cultivation if we ourselves are not practicing it.

So, what does intentional cultivation look like in application? I’m glad you asked!

Removing those stumbling blocks like: selfish ambition, jacked up agendas and self-glorification.

Pride and unforgiveness can also be huge boulders that invade the soil of hearts, thus making harvest of good crop impossible!

This is only a part of the cultivation process, but it is a great start.

Even the best soil requires cultivation.

My conviction is that the good ground in Matthew speaks of someone who is willing to cultivate the ground.

Cultivation is intentional.

We can’t do it! Only the empowerment of the Holy Spirit can do it through us.

But the work we must do is to surrender to His lead and authority.

We must be willing to be uncomfortable. Trust me when I say it is so worth it.

People can see if you live it out.

Our heart’s condition is laid bare by the working of our hands.

The fruit of our lives speaks volumes to those we disciple.

So, this is why I say intentional cultivation must start with the mentor first.



So when the Lord sends a sower with good seed, we can receive it.

Then, we can share the bountiful harvest with those who are in need.

Teach us Jesus!

Crystal Hippo, President