Invest Wisely

By March 10, 2025Eternity

There are a lot of commercials with the message that you need them to help you plan for your future retirement.

There’s certainly nothing wrong with saving money for retirement.

But as Christians, we need to also plan for eternity.

This is a whole lot more than accepting Jesus as our Savior.

You see we will all stand before Jesus at His Judgment Seat and have our works tested by fire.

Here, He will reward us for all that we do in His strength and for His glory.

Years ago, Randy Alcorn challenged us with the Treasure Principle,

“You can’t take it with you, but you can send it ahead.”

How? Everything we do with the mindset of total dependence on Jesus doing it through me will pass through the fire and be given to me as a reward.

However, everything we do in our own strength will be consumed by the fire.

So, we need to make loooong term investments by appropriating Christ as our life and strength in all situations.

Also, where are we investing our time and resources?

Are we sowing them into things that advance God’s Kingdom or just into earthly, temporal things?

When we invest our time and resources into the Kingdom, the ‘interest’ we get back from the Lord will last forever.

So, let Him be your strength today and ask Him to show you how He wants you to invest your time and resources to turn them into eternal treasure for His glory.

Robyn Henning

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