Robyn’s Ministry Update
Greetings once again in the name of our blessed Savior and Lord Jesus Christ! We hope that you are staying encouraged in the Lord in spite of the chaos in our culture! Jesus is still on the throne!
My move to Greenwood, SC went very smoothly. A big thank you to Mike McKenna for driving the U-Haul with my Explorer in tow and for the help in unpacking! I am all settling in and loving my new apartment… and not having to mow or concern myself with maintenance. The staff here at Regency are all believers. I even ran into one at my new church.
I still see most of my PA clients using a secure online platform, and we are building a great network through doctors and dentists to generate referrals for one on one care. I wrapped up a Journey Tools group a few weeks ago and am launching one in the next few weeks. Also, I am undertaking a research project to test the efficacy of our Emotional Compass tool in conjunction with my alma mater and at least one other university. It’s a huge project but one that will give us credibility moving forward.
In June, I was blessed to visit with my sister’s family and we learned that Matt and Rachel are expecting their first child in early December! We are all so excited for them. My cousins, Sid and Cindy Geibel visited for the day last week. We had a blast talking through the Bible and having dinner by the lake. Please keep up the great prayer support! Thank you!
Crystal’s Ministry Update
Greetings all in the name of our precious Lord and Savior Jesus Christ. Since the last newsletter Redeeming Hearts was able to raise $645 to sponsor the Life Abundant banquet in April. $200 of which came directly from Exchanged Life. Second we have acquired 3 new donors. And lastly we were able to connect with and start a relationship with 1 new mentee. Our Facebook page has been updated to reflect the name change. Lord willing in the weeks to come we will be updating the website to reflect the changes as well as an updated URL. Finally, are also going to be changing the look of the newsletter.
Conversation is continuing with a well established and respected prison ministry to see if a partnership is a real possibility and what it would look like. In addition we are in prayer and actively engaged in learning how we may be a blessing to a local homeless shelter. As mentioned in the previous newsletter, our calling is to minister to those coming out of prison (re-entrants) their families and our local community. Incarceration is a symptom of real issues. One of the offender classes in prisons are homeless individuals. This is one of our ways to contribute to lowering the recidivism (re-offenders) rate, by addressing some of the issues (symptoms that contribute to the ever revolving prison doors). Lastly, we voted in a new board member- help us welcome Kim Players we are excited and blessed to have her.
Lastly, Crystal continues to draw income from cleaning houses (Beauty for Ashes business) and pet sitting, as well as from Life Abundant where she is employed as Admin (for now). The desire is to draw a salary from Redeeming Hearts which will allow her to hire someone to manage and grow Beauty for Ashes, which in turn will allow her to focus more on the work of the ministry. In order to draw a salary as Robyn does, new donors are imperative! The 3 new donors cover the office phone, storage unit and some of the office rent. Donation cards have been included and will be included in several newsletters though the year. Thank you most of all for your prayers, love, and support! Blessings from Crystal Hippo!
Financial Update
Thank you so much to all of you who made donations this quarter. Your generosity has been an encouragement to me.
Great news that just came in today… The IRS waived the fine they levied against ELM for a simple mistake I made on our 2020 990EZ form. It took over a year but they ruled in our favor and erased the $3K fine! Thank you Jesus!
While my counseling services generate some revenue for ELM/RHM, what Crystal is doing is completely dependent on donations. Her connection to an established, respected prison ministry gives us an opportunity to be in a space that most organizations do not have access to either in the secular or faith-based realm.
We simply ask you to ask God if He wants you to partner with us in this endeavor. If He says, “Yes,” then ask Him how much and trust Him to lead you. Thank you!
For donations by check for Crystal, write HIPPO in the memo line.
Your tax deductible donation can be made to ELM or RHM and you can do so by check or by going to the Donation page of our website at www.elmphilly.com/donate.
You can set up recurring monthly donations or you can make a one time donation. Your donations keep the lights on and allow us to continue to share Hope and Redemption in Jesus to a lost world!
Praise and Prayer Requests
- For the smooth move to Greenwood, SC.
- For the IRS waiving the fine.
- For my clients’ growth in Christ and their emotional/spiritual healing.
- For a growing social media following and online counseling platform.
- For God’s provision in to keep the PA office going so far in 2023.
- For God faithfully guiding us in the transition to Redeeming Hearts Ministries.
- For the new mentee and 3 new awesome monthly donors.
- For wisdom in building a counseling referral network in Greenwood.
- For new Journey Tools groups to get started.
- For wisdom in designing the Emotional compass research project and partnering with God’s choice in faculty advisors at Liberty.
- For wisdom in each counseling session and Journey Tools group.
- For God’s protection and wisdom in making new connections and partnerships and taking the next steps.
- For solid, consistent donations for Crystal’s part of the ministry.
- For wisdom in discipleship training and newly formed mentorships.
“And my God shall supply all your needs according to His riches in glory in Christ Jesus.”
Philippians 4:19