Are you a big picture person or a detail person?
I work with a big picture person, but I am a detail person.
Whenever he shares a vision, I am immediately breaking it down into the detailed pieces.
Imagine you are living in Egypt and you are told to pack up your stuff and be ready to travel mostly by foot back to the land of Israel.
You high tail it out of there and start your journey only to be chased by the army of Egypt.
Would you be cheering on Moses or freaking out?
Right… freaking out.
Now, you watch God part the Red Sea and you walk through on dry land, but He causes the Sea to envelope your enemies.
Yeah God!
How long are you going to bask in that miracle?
Soon, somebody realizes, “how are we going to feed everyone and where are we going to get enough water for everyone?”
Food and water are pretty basic details.
Instead of just asking God who just delivered them from their enemies, the Israelites grumbled and complained and contemplated returning to Egypt where they had stew pots full of food.
They preferred food with bondage instead of freedom.
What’s my point?
Faith takes the next step believing that God will provide all that we need along the way.
A scarcity mindset manifests in grumbling and complaining.
It expresses contempt and unbelief that God will provide.
I am as guilty as anyone for slipping into Eeyore mode.
I admit that I would have thought early on, ‘How are we going to do this, that, and the other thing? This is nuts. It will never work.”
God’s solutions are rarely visible to us.
He knows exactly what we are going to need, and He already has a solution in place awaiting us.
All we have to do is ask and then follow His instructions in faith.
It’s easy to say, but in the moment when life’s waves are crashing around us and the wind is blowing, it’s really hard to stay focused on Jesus instead of complaining about the storm.
Beloved, God is the God of the big picture and the details.
Nothing that we need escapes His attention.
Instead of freaking out and complaining, we need to simply ask God to show us His solution.
There’s a good chance it’s something we never would have thought up.
Robyn Henning