In May of 1983, Charlotte Huddelston died after breathing argon gas mistakenly pumped into the oxygen system at Fort McLellen’s Noble Army Hospital; making her the third victim of the mix-up.

Apparently the 5 foot white tank of odorless, nontoxic argon resembled those that usually contained oxygen.

Although the argon didn’t poison anyone, it displaced the oxygen supply and suffocated its victims.

This vividly describes the power the flesh has to smother the believer’s spiritual life.

Living a victorious life in Christ is hindered by the believer pursuing fleshly things.

Galatians 5:25 shows us how:

“If we live by the Spirit, let us also walk by the Spirit.”

Living by the Spirit refers to the Holy Spirit making us alive by regenerating us at salvation.

The phrase walk by the Spirit, means “to go step by step in a straight line with the Holy Spirit.”

Literally this verse reads:

In view of the fact that the source of our new life is the Holy Spirit, let us go on by keeping in step with the Spirit.

Since we have Christ’s life by the Spirit, the Spirit must also be allowed to direct our steps so that we make progress, step by step, in dependence on Him.

We are to live according to His will and plan, as taught in the Word of God.

We are to let the Holy Spirit lead us in every phase of our lives.

We must claim by faith our death with Christ in order to live victoriously over the flesh and choose to walk in step with the Holy Spirit.

We destroy the power of the flesh by means of the Invincible Spirit of God!

In 1869 while scaling a sheer rock wall that towered over 800 ft. above the Green River in Utah, explorer John Welsey Powell found himself trapped on a tiny ledge.

Unable to move without the risk of falling, he soon became exhausted and his muscles began to tremble.

He knew, if he lost his hold, he would fall to the bottom.

Suddenly his companion, George Bradley had an idea.

He stripped off his long underwear and extended the dangling legs down to Powell.

With his heart in his throat, the one armed Powell loosened his grip on the rock and made a life-or-death grab for the dangling long underwear.

It worked and Powell was pulled to safety.

Then, he went on to chart the Grand Canyon and become a national hero.

Like Powell, we may find ourselves trapped on the high ledge of the flesh, with no way off.

Only as we release our grip on the flesh, make a life-or-death grab for the Holy Spirit and allow Him to pull us to safety, will we experience the victorious Christian life.

We must exchange the self-life for Christ’s life.

May we claim by faith our death to fleshly desires and keep in step with the Spirit for this is victorious Christian Living!


Pastor Ken Keeler, Director of Church Ministries

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