Keys to a Great Marriage

On Saturday June 10th, Linda and I celebrated our 51st wedding anniversary.

We met at Souderton High School in 1969; our first date being October 17.

Linda was 15, soon to be 16, and I was 17.

We dated for 3 years and 8 months; really taking time getting to know one another and making sure our goals were in line with each other.

After we got married, we found that the more we spent time together, talking together, having fun with each other, finding joy in our relationship, the deeper intimacy we developed.

Going through ups and downs in life, we have seen how important it is to support one another.

We can certainly say that we love each other more deeply now than when we first got married.

It is no wonder that God in His Word likens our relationship with Christ to the marriage relationship:

  • We are introduced to Christ and His wonderful work on the cross.
  • After He becomes our Savior, we spend time getting to know Him; discerning if our goals line up with His will in our lives.
  • We enjoy Him; reading His word, spending meaningful time in prayer.
  • We see answers to prayer over the years and His faithfulness to us through all of life’s ups and downs.
  • As we grow more and more in intimacy with Christ, we grow deeper in our relationship with Him.

Colossians 2:7 says: “Keep your roots deep in Him and have your lives built on Him.”

The result of a great marriage is only accomplished when husbands and wives each fulfill their God given roles.

There are two passages in the Word of God that key in on husband and wife relationships and they are Ephesians 5:22-31 and Colossians 3:18-19.

The secret to fulfilling these roles is found in each context.

In Ephesians 5:18 before it talks about the roles it says: “be filled with the Spirit” and in Colossans 3:16 it says: “Let the word of Christ richly dwell within you.”

So, great relationships in marriage and with Christ are built through the Word and the Holy Spirit empowering us.

All marriage partners fail and disappoint each other from time to time and we are no exception, but Christ never fails us!

Pastor Ken Keeler

Join the discussion 2 Comments

  • Deb Byloff says:

    Thanks for the article. It was interesting and I enoyed it. Happy anniversary Ken and Linda!!!

  • Kathy Trump says:

    That was a beautiful analogy of how our love grows with Christ just as our love grows within our marriage. Congratulations Ken and Linda on 51 years of marriage!