This week I want to expose the lie behind lust.

No matter what the object of lust is the lie is the same,  “This will satisfy me.”

No it won’t.

It may be pleasurable, but it will only leave you wanting more or something else.

Lust does not fill us; it robs us.

It sucks life out of us leaving us wanting.

So, we keep going back for more or something more scintillating.

The enemy wants us to settle for lust when we were really made for love.

Satisfaction is found in connecting with God.

That’s that last thing that Satan wants, so he convinces us that the lust object will do what only God can do.

The result will always be attachments that are unhealthy.

God wants us to attach to Him over things like eating.

When we attach to God while dining, we can enjoy Him over the food without attaching to the food and then overeating.

This applies to everything the enemy tries to distract us with to trap us in the lust of the flesh.

It even applies in marriage.

Most wives prefer to be approached for intimacy in a loving way not in a lust filled way.

They don’t want to be treated like a piece of meat to be grabbed and groped.

Lust demeans intimacy.

Wives want to be treated with tenderness, kindness and respect.

Husbands who approach their wives in love instead of lust will get the response they want in the bedroom.

Women who are treated with love have an easier time showing unconditional respect to their husbands.

In each case, it takes the love and respect of Jesus flowing into them and through them for spouses to love and respect one another unconditionally.

This is made possible when both partners have healthy attachments to Jesus instead of attachments to lust objects.

When we unpartner or detach from the lust objects we are freed up to partner and attach with Jesus where true joy and pleasure are found.

As a result, we are empowered to develop healthy attachments with each other based on love instead of lust.

So, beloved, ask the Lord to show you where you’ve partnered with lust and what He wants to give you in its place.

Make the exchanged and declare your partnership  with Jesus.

Lust will lose its hold on you and you will enter into the joy of your Husband, Jesus!


Robyn Henning

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