Mission Ready

By December 11, 2023Eternity

As we enter the Christmas season, I can’t help but think about how Jesus never faltered on His mission.

Yes, He was completely God and completely man, but I believe we can learn from Him about mission readiness.

From conception to crucifixion Jesus was on a mission to save the world from their sin and bring them into a loving relationship with God!

The truth is that this is not our home, we are just passing through. And…….

We are all on a mission to take as many souls as possible with us to the father’s house.

Our mission, if should you choose to accept it,

is to make disciples of all nations and to proclaim the coming eternal kingdom of Jesus our Christ.

Some are gifted with evangelism but in essence we are all to be evangelists.

And though not all are called to be pastors, bible teachers or itinerant speakers who have huge platforms; still, we all have a life to be lived out in front of others.

Many of us have heard the Christian adage that we are the only Bible most will ever read.

Thus, our lives should be a living testimony of our love and devout loyalty to the only One with the power to save and set free- Jesus our LIVING HOPE!

This brings me to our passage for reflection today:

1 Peter 3:15 says:

 “But sanctify the Lord God in your hearts, and always be ready to give a defense to everyone who asks you a reason for the hope that is in you, with meekness and fear.”

This passage lays out the mission readiness mindset of the believer and what that application in life looks like.

Notice the first thing we must do is to sanctify the Lord God in your hearts.

This means to set apart your heart for God alone! For HE is HOLY and deserves our whole heart. Sanctify means to be reserved for holy use.

Next we see, we are to always be ready to give a defense to everyone who asks you a reason for the hope that is in you……

When we display Joy and Peace when chaos surrounds us and while the world is on fire, it sets us apart from the world and how she deals with the external pressures of life.

It says to those around us that we have something of worth.

First, we must know the God of all Joy and Peace.

We must have an intimate fellowship with Him in the midst of tragedy to understand that unspeakable Peace and for that Peace to pour out to the lives around us.

Lastly, notice how we are to share our LIVING HOPE with others……

with meekness and fear.

This is defined as a calm temper of mind, not easily provoked.

I won’t elaborate on this, but I will challenge you to ask God what this looks like lived out in the believer.

Beloved, are You Mission Ready?

Crystal Hippo