Have you ever thought God was holding out on you, or doubted His word?

That’s what happened to Eve in the garden.

This is the picture we see in Genesis 3:1-5.

Doubt often starts with: “Hath God really said” …..

Words of doubt from the enemy will cause us to think twice about God’s Word and promises.

We must cast down these thoughts and choose to:

Lean in

Trust God

Believe God, take Him at His word!

The enemy would have us think that God is holding out on us or withholding something from us that is better than what we have.

Friends this is the most dangerous of lies as it causes pride and a desire to seek self-reliance.

To act in our own capacity, to act in the flesh.


Run right into the throne room of grace and fall at the feet of Jesus. Captivate those thoughts of doubt and cast them down to the pit from whence they came. Ask the Lord to purge these thoughts and trust God’s Word and character.

Before we are too hard on Eve, let us consider the ground in our own hearts.

So often we are tempted to add to God’s Word because we think He is holding out and we doubt the power of the Holy Spirit to empower and embolden us to do the work set before us.

Friends, this leads to a major stumbling block called,


It says I don’t need God; I want to be the god on the throne of my heart, and so I got this.

The only remedy for this is to repent and reclaim that ground given to the enemy.

Often in mentoring sessions, we may be tempted to add to God’s Word because we doubt the transforming power of it.

God does not need our help and His Word is able to stand and transform on its own.

We are to trust what He says and walk in obedience knowing that He will never withhold from us that which is good and will bring Him glory.

Just share the truth of His Word and leave the Holy Spirit to do the work only He can do.

When we are sharing the transforming message of the Gospel, we must leave self out.

We must become less so that He may become more to those we disciple.

Our words offer death, but His word,

Is Life!

Lord, create in me a new heart. A heart pliable to the potter’s touch. I acknowledge the temptation and desire to trust in my own abilities. I acknowledge that it is Christ in me that is able and that I have nothing of worth apart from a surrendered heart to offer. May your Word of life ring loud in the ears of those whom you bring across my path. I choose to take you at your Word and trust that you are a good father who does not withhold any good thing from His children. Amen.

Crystal Hippo, President