Well, we are about to move into another year.
I will not really miss 2024 and all the political arguing.
Our nation and this crazy world need our prayers and intercession.
One ministry leader I follow asked for the assistance of prayer warrior this past week because the intensity of the battle in the spiritual realm was at a level unlike, he had ever seen before.
As I took a moment to reflect and talk with the Lord, I realized that I needed to step up my prayer and intercession discipline.
This coming year, especially the first few months, might be pivotal for our nation and the church.
The enemy does not want to lose his grip on our nation’s leaders, our media, our entertainment, our health, our education or our financial system.
All of these are being fought over in the spirit realm.
We have been praying for a worldwide spiritual awakening and revival, and it has already started here and overseas.
One of the fastest growing churches is now in Iran! The testimonies are amazing.
Here in the US, more and more secular college campuses are seeing thousands of students coming to know Jesus and choosing to follow Him.
The enemy has not been complacent or silent.
However, as we pray, his tactics are backfiring on him and those who follow him.
All of his plots and schemes are being exposed.
Beloved, it is our task to intercede for our nation and for this revival to grow in momentum.
Revival starts in the body of Christ.
We need to ask the Spirit to search us and remove any idols so that we can be fit for ministering to those coming to faith in Jesus.
I anticipate 2025 to be an exciting year, filled with blessings and challenges.
Just like the message of War Room, prayer warriors are absolutely essential for revival to continue to grow.
In 2020, when I asked the Lord why He was moving me to SC, He told me that there was a ‘tsunami’ of revival coming, and He was repositioning me here.
Beloved, that tsunami is here.
Please, resolve to join me in prayer and intercession to thwart the enemy’s tactics and see the billion-soul harvest come to fruition.
Have a blessed 2025!
Robyn Henning