Here are the most common resolutions for 2024 according to Forbes Health:

  • improvement of mental health (45%),
  • improved fitness (39%),
  • losing weight (37%),
  • improve diet (33%).

Other popular resolutions include drinking less alcohol, improving finances, stop smoking, learning a new skill, and meditating regularly.

There may be some of you reading this blog that made a New Year’s resolution.

There is only one New Year’s resolution that really matters and that comes from Philippians 3:10a:

“that I may know Him and the power of His resurrection.”

Paul’s goal here is that he wants to progressively get to know Christ more intimately and experience day-by-day and moment-by-moment His resurrection life through Him.

Getting to know someone more intimately takes time, talk, and trust.

The same is true with Christ.

Just as a married couple can only grow in their relationship as they take time to get to know each other more intimately, so our relationship with Christ requires the investment of our time in the Word so we can know Him more intimately.

We need to talk with Him through prayer.

If a marriage goes wrong, one of the first things that happen is they stop talking to each other.

We need to learn to trust Christ.

If we are to get to know what a person is made of and what they are capable of doing, we need to trust them.

We may never learn of Christ’s faithfulness because we may never put ourselves in a position where we are dependent totally on Christ.

We may never experience His resurrection power because our lives are run on the basis of our own ability and strength.

New Year’s resolutions often fail because they are impossible to attain.

The goals are too high.

But the highest goal of any believer’s life is:

“that I may know Him and the power of His resurrection.”

The incredible thing is that through His power, it’s a resolution we can keep.

Like Paul, let’s make this our New Year’s resolution for 2024.

Pastor Ken Keeler