Rejection Series Part 2: Forms of Rejection

What makes us feel rejected?

Some statements are obvious:

“I hate you!”

“I don’t love you anymore.”

“I want a divorce.”

“I wish you were never born!”

“I wish you would learn to do one thing right!”

All of these statements convey the message of rejection.

Rejection leaves a person feeling worthless and opens the door to Satan to establish a variety of mental strongholds.

“I’m no good.”

“I’m stupid.”

“Everyone would be better off without me.”

Physical and sexual abuse both communicate the message of rejection.  The abuse victim believes that they are not worth protecting.

If the sexual abuse is prolonged, the enemy can distort their self-worth so severely that the victim believes their only hope for a taste of the acceptance that they crave is to offer themselves sexually to someone.

They are left with huge strongholds of rejection and worthlessness and usually severe addictions.

Here’s another example of rejection: Death.

When a parent or loved one dies, often there can be a perception of rejection.

“How could they leave me when I still needed them?”

Beloved, remember that God never intended for us to feel rejection.

His plan was for us to live in His constant love and acceptance and then for us to reinforce love and acceptance for each other.

It is sin that has messed us all up and left us vulnerable to rejection.

Please make time to ask the Holy Spirit to show you any misconceptions you have about yourself that are the result of rejection.

Choose to receive God’s love and acceptance that are yours by faith in Christ Jesus!

Next week, we will look at the different kinds of flesh pattens that can develop because of rejection.


