Welcome to 2023!
2022 is over… it can only get better, right?
The Rapture would make it a whole lot better for believers.
As much as I would love to celebrate with Jesus, I would prefer one last huge revival first.
So how can we help make that happen?
Prayer is a huge part of revival.
Beloved, when we pray, heaven moves and demons tremble.
This is the big reason why the enemy seeks to get us to minimize prayer both personal and corporate.
I think we will all agree that our nation needs revival and prayer is the starting point.
How do we do battle for our nation on our knees?
First, we come humbly before the Lord and worship Him for His mercy and grace that has withheld judgment for the years our nation has condoned the murder of children, promoted the porn industry and sex trafficking and all kinds of perversion, and the rampant corruption at all levels of leadership.
When we confess our guilt of pride, idolatry and immorality as a nation, God listens.
When we plead the blood of the Lamb over our nation’s sins, iniquities and transgressions, God listens.
When we seek mercy and grace to spark revival in the hearts and minds of the people starting with the house of God, God listens.
Intercessors are needed for this vital work before the throne.
Is revival God’s will? He says it is!
He calls His people to humble themselves and seek His face and turn from sin and then He will heal their land.
Beloved, the wicked will not do this work.
In fact, there are many Luciferians who are praying religiously from midnight to 3am every day casting spells and curses on believers and people they are seeking to control or destroy.
Our relationship with Jesus should be enough to motivate us to be in His presence interceding for our nation and the world for revival.
There is a huge war going on as I speak… a war between good and evil.
We know that God and good will prevail, but what is our part? Prayer!
Using the authority that is ours in Christ Jesus to undo and tear down the works of the enemy.
If we do not stand in the gap, who will?
I am believing for revival.
Will you join me in this New Year of 2023 in praying into existence a global revival… one last great harvest that tears down the works of Lucifer and exalts the finished work of Jesus Christ, who alone is King of Kings and Lord of Lords!
Robyn Henning